The Book


Named one of the best books of 2015 by the New York Times’ Women In The World, and featured in more than 150 media outlets around the globe, The Sex Myth: The Gap Between Our Fantasies & Reality is a call for a generation to question the systems of power that shape our sexual beliefs and experiences.

The Sex Myth takes big ideas in sociology, gender studies, and philosophy, and brings them back to everyday lived experience through interviews with more than 200 teens, twenty-somethings, and thirty-somethings. It asks and answers questions such as, what’s normal? How does sex shape our sense of self-worth? How does society influence what we think of as sexually desirable? How do gender roles impact the way we’re taught to engage with sex? And what does real sexual freedom look like? 

"The Sex Myth provides a clarifying framework for understanding new versions of old contradictions”
- New York Times Book Review
